Yield= 1 pt.
Greek yogurt and dark chocolate, deliciously healthy! Most experts agree that Greek yogurt has a nutritional edge; it’s an acceptable replacement for fatty ingredients like cream cheese, mayonnaise, and butter.
* This is a probiotic alternative for those who don’t like yogurt. It’s a great way to get children to eat yogurt. It’s a great option for breakfast, snack or desert.
72% Dark Chocolate 8 oz.
Organic Plain Greek Yogurt 5 oz.
Almond or Coconut Milk 3 oz.
Strawberries 1 c
Melt the chocolate on a double boiler
Do not get the chocolate too hot. Once it is melted, that’s enough. Stir frequently.
Add the yogurt and stir in. Heat a little if necessary to thin. It should thin just above body temperature.
Add the milk as needed to get to the desired thickness.
Serve with fresh strawberries